System of Methods of Human Life

© Author: Vasiliy Andreevich Ptashits
Address: 224009, Belarus, Brest, Moshenskogo, 92-12
Phone: (375) 162-56-73-41 Mobile: +375 29 7221627
Signature: Author's
Title: System of Methods of Human Life
Date of creation: November 25, 2015
Method of creation: Psychological analysis
Education: Power engineer


By the methods of obtaining and distributing welfare people are divided into four genetic categories which can be presented in the coordinate system X,Y and Z. Each human being in the system is characterised by a potential value (genetic set of methods of living) present in one of these categories.

System of Methods of Human Life

Human being? What is this pitiful in itself creature, which having organised into a tribe and society, took a leading position in nature and its evolution on our tiny planet Earth? What are its innate instincts, intuitive needs, really accomplished actions and relations between the like, as well as society and nature?
Each individual has their hereditary and innate, or genetic, and socially developed credo of their environment. They have their potential sets of actions in particular circumstances and situations, in which there can be more unexpected ones, their specific wishes and requests and their methods of realisation and accomplishment which do not always correspond to the interests of others, laws of society and nature in general.
In their turn, each society has its own historically created culture and rules of conduct, its laws of constraint and punishment and methods of their realisation, which do not always correspond to the interests of particular individuals, other societies or states.
Currently social relationships are integrating into international ones through all economic, legal and cultural values, although it is very far from being perfect.
Human being? What do they want, think and dream of in their hopes in the childhood, adolescence, middle and old age? What do they want for themselves, close and far milieu, including nature? "Happiness", "Nothing" and "Misfortune". We normally wish the first thing to ourselves and our nearest; for others it may be different; and to our haters and enemies we wish the last thing or if we are magnanimous and humane   to no one!
"Man's happiness, determined by genetic, intuitive and conscious necessity, is realised in harmonious satisfying of physiological, material and spiritual needs". It is because of them that the world is boiling up. The higher and more complicated the requests, with the abilities being smaller and less available, the harder it is to satisfy them, all the more in harmony. However, there is progression: if one has a bicycle, they will want a motorcycle, a limousine, a yacht, a spaceship, power, fame, etc. One can never be fully happy. Dissatisfaction by the achieved and imagination drive man forward.
It turns out, that during our lifetime we are trying to satisfy in harmony, or under unforeseen circumstances in disharmony, physiological, material and spiritual needs: our personal, our family's, our genealogical and friendly circles', organised group's and forcibly of the dictatorship of the state power.
Methods and ways of achieving and satisfying of all human needs can be divided into the following four categories:

#1. Just and peaceful distribution of material, spiritual and physiological welfare.
#2. Its just, but coercive and forceful distribution.
#3. Its unjust, dishonest but peaceful appropriation.
#4. Its unjust, violent and brutal appropriation.

All these categories come into being from genetic, hereditary roulette, probabilistic spindle of connections of chromosomes and their mutations.
From scientific, television programs we make a conclusion that from one human sexual conception from 46+46, probably united into (23+23)=46 chromosomes, there can be around 70 billion genetic variations with different psychological sets. Evolutional originality and variety allows to survive, first of all, for the most adapted individuals now and in this situation. Changing social conditions also influence the natural selection of decent and indecent people.
In nature: nano viruses, viruses, bacteria and all the flora and fauna are in struggle for survival and priority of reproduction. In a way, there is some spirituality among animals, such as attachment of their kind and sufficiency in appeasing hunger: killer whales killing a whale's calf will never touch the mother, etc.
If we study the given above system, we shall notice that the human civilization tends to peaceful and just distribution of welfare: to category 1. In real life all the four categories work simultaneously to a greater or lesser extent depending on social structure and natural situation. A conscientious person will never commit a bad deed, and the one who has no conscience will be ready to commit any deed if they know that there will be no punishment.
It is known that those who commit crimes have no pangs of conscience (because they lack it genetically!) and compassion to their victims, they enjoy the committed crime maniacally and want to go down in history for as many atrocities as possible. I will not draw examples, because they are numerous both on domestic and social levels. The level of violence depends on the leader and his closest circle, and the rest remain as opportunists and executors.
Let us look up the notions "justice", "righteous man". "sense of justice" and "conscience " in the dictionary.
Justice - order based on justice.
Righteous man - a person who is guided by sense of justice, honesty, does not violate laws of morality. (Human nature is not perfect, and therefore it would be strange to see only righteous men. A. P. Chekhov.)
Sense of justice - a set of views, ideas, which express people's attitude to law, legality, their idea of what is rightful and what is not.
Conscience - sense and awareness of moral responsibility for one's conduct and deeds in relation to oneself, people around, society; moral principles, views, beliefs. (Pangs of conscience. Voice of conscience. To lie heavy on one's conscience.)(Among the beasts I became a beast, I lulled my conscience with wine And quenched my mind. N. Nekrasov)(There is hardly a man who to a question of conscience - how does he live? - would reply that he lives quite right. Fedin.)
Oxford University scholars discovered an area in the brain which makes us analyse whether we've made a mistake and if there is another way to solve a problem. This area is called "lateral frontal pole". It is only present in humans with an approximate size of a head of Brussels sprouts, John Walsh writes in The Independent.
"This area tracks how good the choice is opposite to that we've made", the author of the research, prof. Mathew Rushworth notes.
For example, it awakens if you missed your turn on the highway and realised that the next one will be only in 40 miles and you are running out of fuel", - the author of the article suggests.
This inner voice also estimates if the decision is correct, which also includes the moral choice between good and evil.
In addition to the above the author notes, that each man has two such organs behind the eyebrows. Why does a person need two consciences? Maybe, they are like angel and demon, one of them tells us, for example, to steal the money, while the other one says that stealing is bad?"
We should take into account that, repeating, life copies itself in general but not in the absolute, there has never been in all its existence any absolutely identical blade of grass, any leaf, any creature, moreover, mutations are inevitable, both biological and programmatic. How many and which programs are there in every creature - no one can tell.
Let us hope that in future scientists will learn to decode and read them, what genetics is busy with right now.
From the Internet (The Ominous Secret of Human Genome, or the Conscience Gene, Boris Didenko)
"The fact is, that recent research (conducted in the USA, by the way) of the functioning of human brain with the help of positron scan (PET) of the cortex has uncovered the so-called "cerebral deficit" in people with asocial behaviour.
These are individuals who are prone to criminal and immoral behaviour. And what is "worse", these scientific knowledge has leaked into print and several books have been published. (Particularly, the book Aggression by R. Baron, D. Richardson was translated here).
The authorities overlooked it, failed to keep an eye on the "eggheads". It is a very powerful blow to them, it hit far below the belt, right into the "genitals"! Because it is the people of diminished moral responsibility who force their way to power.
In other words, it turned out, that those who have no conscience, lack particular neurostructures of frontal lobes of neocortex. Simply put, they do not have... a part of the brain. And it is the most important part, which make a human Man. By the way. Similar "theory of deficit of prefrontal lobes of cortex in asocial individuals" was in due time suggested by Soviet scholar Alexandr Romanovich Luria.
Moreover, the so-called "methods of computer testing of negative personality traits" have been worked out and assimilated (by the Doctor of Technical Sciences K.N. Filatov's scientific group).
*Note. According to specific anthropology, humanity can be divided into four psycho-physiological types.
Among them there are two predatory types: super-animals (born aggressors and killers) and suggestors (treacherous manipulators, social parasites).
In our case these are types #3 and #4, what we can agree with.
And there are two non-predatory types; diffusive type (general, easily suggestible mass, folk) and neanthropic humans (people with critical minds and high level of morality).
In our case these are types #1 and #2, which is not exactly so. Firstly, suggestibility and non- suggestibility is characteristic of all the categories, as well as people who can hypnotize can be both good and evil.
Morality is equally characteristic of categories #1 and #2. The only difference is that category #1 has more naive feelings of remorse, compassion and forgiveness, it does not solve problems forcibly, although always supports the actions of the right sector, category #2.
Secondly, forcible decision for justice (right sector, category #2) can show proper place to categories #3 and #4.
So, we have four genetic categories of people, not just differentiated, but in the coordinate system X and Y. The value (potential) of psychological set of any individual to act either way at a particular moment can be characterized by a point in the coordinate system with priorities X and Y.
Potential wishes do not always correspond with abilities and actions, they can mathematically reflect mood of an individual, a group, a community of people. A willingly or, quite the opposite, forcibly accomplished act allows us to introduce the coordinate Z.
So, we get a volumetric mathematical structure of society with events happening within it, and overall - social and historical processes. If we applied the relativity theory, we could know: "Where the fate of events is taking us?" (S. Yesenin).
The question how to determine the value of the potential and the significance of the accomplished act remains open.
For example:
"The value of the potential in any point on the plane can be compared by the analogy of determining the electric potential in a given point of the electric field, which is numerically equal to the expended work on relocation of a single electric charge from a given point to infinity or from infinity to the given point of the field. Instead of a single trial charge we take an average-mood person. The value of the potential will be equivalent to the expended work on persuading him to a certain extent or dissuading him to a neutral state".
The significance of the committed good or evil is even harder to measure. Just a single anomalous historical personality, in the society without feedback where the human rights are not respected can destroy millions of its population.

I invite mathematicians and sociologists and all the willing specialists to join this work and continue to create a joint one.


"But still, from genetic debris, according to the rule: "One replacement after another" Earth gives birth to villains and rogues, hidden behind the mask of a gentleman". V.A. Ptashits.

25.11.2015 V.A. Ptashits

[26.02.2018 19:47] Василий Пташиц: Thank you Vasiliy.  It appears you have authored a unique analysis of categories of people and their behavior.  It is good to try to understand the human psyche and how it effects others, and the world.     Such pieces of work simply need to be published….dissemintated, no?    I see that you are my friend on Facebook.  Why not publish it on facebook?    Janine Gawryl Спасибо Василий. Кажется, что Вы создали уникальный анализ категорий людей и их поведения. Хорошо попытаться понять человеческую душу и как это производит других и мир. Такие обрабатываемые детали просто должны быть изданы … .dissemintated, нет? Я вижу, что Вы - мой друг в Facebook. Почему бы не издать его в Facebook? Джанин Гаврул.
Janine Gawryl <>
