
The world is down
On the top of the roof.
In the sky is your own
Big black bird with a red tooth!
It’s eyes are empty,
The death’s on it’s wings!
You’ll have to accept
Whatever it brings…

The big Raven is flying in the sky.
And these dreams say you «Good by»!
You feel that you torn in half,
And you feel, You’ve suffered enough.
And I don’t know, how long
I will be able to hold you so strong.
But, look, don’t do it today!
So, please search for the right big way…

The Moon is shining…
Please, forget this Hall!
But you can’t running
From this memories’s bell!
Despair, the Cold
And precipice inside...
Only one reason –
Look into my mind!

Your memory left,
And you want to sleep!..
Don’t afraid now –
Your life isn’t cheap.

2010 год.
