
When  you are far away- Working over the seas…
I am happy!
I am happy – you finally left me alone!
No misunderstandings, no angry thoughts
No clouds above…
I am calm and my life goes smooth,
When you over the seas!

God, I am tired from different sounds of souls,
Different meanings of words and thoughts
Different tastes of life,
Different measurements of love..
I do not like you walk, I do not like you talk
Kate – is my name, doesn’t sound nice , when you say it.

Where are you my husband!?
 You are so far away , even when you near me.
Somebody – help me
Change this unfortunate banding.
God help me find a meaning his words and his thoughts
Now , quickly-  we have not much time left..
Please help me.

But no other, no other man I want  !
I know life is hard, but it can be better, I know.
Help me find my husband’s soul -
Caring and thoughtful and loving
One, who can smile and hold me so gentle.
Find us somewhere on children’s cheerful pass
Find my soul and his somewhere far far away
From war,  and hate,
 From overthinking and over craziness
of this world.
And I know :  If I give it a rest …
If I  give it a thought If  I take a time,
My heart as a singing bird starts pound in love to my husband

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