O, babe I don t know who I am

O, babe I don’t know who I am,
O babe, please try to ask me
(O) Babe, what now is PM?
- I don’t know how much it can be.

(O babe) I just play(ing) my song
Oy, just for you girl and for my soul,
And my wings go up and I’m roll(ing)
O all my feeling they are smile(smiling) and in heaven fall.

And you are so glad in your flat,
And maybe you are sleep(ing) now in your bed foul of red (in your bed in red)
And Mister of Dreams put up dreams of his head (шляпа)
And make you happy, o I’ve been mad
O if I’ll see you this night like that
When you are so pretty girl curl up with a ball like a cat!

O, babe I don’t know who I am,
O babe, please try to ask me
(Oy) babe what now is PM?
- I don’t know how much it can be.

(O babe) I just play(ing) my song
Oy, just for you girl and for my soul,
Aand my wings go up and I’m roll(ing)
O all my feeling they are smile(smiling) and in heaven fall.
