Песня - Я провела ночь с тобой

                ПЯТАЯ  КНИГА

          Песня - Я провела ночь с тобой

         Song - I spent night with You

      I spent night with you
      Under thousands stars.
      All that what we have
      Unpredictable hearts,
      Spring already started
      Between us like a rose
      We became that time so close.
      Even moon on the sky
      Lifted us so high
      But for feeling deep love
      You left me alone
      After wonderful night ,
      Morning seemed like a bird ,
      Which will never fly.
      Life is melting away
      During incredible time,
      I still had never met anyone ,
      But spring stars will always
      Remind me that night
      When we found happiness
         For a short time.  

        ( written on 20th March 2018 year )

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