
I won’t tell you that everything is bad.
Everyone knows that everything is bad.
Wankers running around the streets
And the end isn’t seen.

And nobody knows what to do.
We know
That this air isn’t good.
And this food’s envenomed.

We are sitting.
Watch tv ,
One newscaster’s saying
That today 16 kiliing and 21 hijaking there were.

And its okay.
We know that everything is bad.
Worse that bad .
They are mad .
Everybody’s mad.

I see god in the sky.
He said that all we are die;.
It’s illusion;.
I’m in confusion.

We don’t go anywhere.
We stay at home .
The world in which we live
is getting small.

And all that you ask for
«please, leave me alone
in my room,
leave my earphones,
my hair dryer,
my new t-shirt
and I will not say anything,
just don’t touch me. "

But I'll touch you,
I want you to go crazy,
I don’t need you to protest,
I don’t need you are arrested,

I don’t ask you to write to your primal fear,
I don’t know what it is supposed to write there.

I don’t know anything about inflation, budgets,  crime.
All I know that  you must die, go crazy
you must say I'm a human,
my life is worth humans
