Dreams At Snow Alley

It's like after dops, like drops of blood splashed on the face
But I chose another way, and every day miss you
It was better to go to my lovely ice lake and give to my soul breath bleak fun, I want to let go myself
Fall in love, it was so dangerous
I chose this way, will not break, I am now so strong
I talk about love, but read enough
I call this mistake
I just had to accept the fact, that all is not lost
Attacks of loss, of myself
My tragedy beats of love in heart
Then the whole ocean of tears can't helped drive out than tragedy
Memories of snow white alley
Meets, which was happy in the begin, but in the end lead to pain
Tragic flew goodbye to my soul
How not to cry, when you hear "Velvet Сrowbar" *
But I am not cry anymore
Your purple dream, my lovely, heavenly star
Shine bright, you know, I love you
I want say stop, when bleed surop amour
I ask desperately: "Is there nothing can do about it ?"
With old stains on down jacket, go to fun, but you do not find solace
You know, you all for me
