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слова и музыка В. Высоцкого

the city stood besieged for a long time,
and remained a citadel and stronghold.
but inhabitants were not believing to Cassandra, -
the city could survive till now, who can know.

with no rest the crasy maid was crying,
"I see the city fallen and aflame!"
but seers, as well as eye-witnesses,
were burned and beaten all the time themselves.

that night, when out of gulf onto the city,
the death descended, winged, as it shall be,
someone exclaimed, "this witch is guilty!",
along the crowd, slaughtered and insane.


and at this night, and at this blood, and at this chaos,
when all predictions gotten realized at first rate,
a crowd certainly would find a handy moment
to commit its habitual and usual carnage.


so here is end, not tragic though quite sad one:
one of besiegers found her in secret mansion,
and treated her not as a seeress-maiden,
but as an ordinary wartime ravin.


  #В_С_В     #a_ex 
