

Although the soul has not yet died,
And maybe someone feels the same way, -,
I'm trying to find "antibodies."
From a poisonous dump that's in the heart.

But this dump is what life has done here.
Made for a terrible test -
For what you thought...
But life itself is not looking for excuses! -

And I, at times, pass through the Park,
In the pitch alone " Zaryadye",
I pass through the cemetery of the hotel "Russia",
And I breathe toxic landfill,
And endeavoring to find anything for the antidote...

I`m feeling poisonous fog that creeps
From this heart to the ground...
And then I see in front of me
Eyes that heal the soul - Saoirse Ronan:

The same as heavenly light,
Like the warm summer glow of the sea...
And poison all comes down in front of him on there,
And it seems that in the world there is no grief!

*  Foto from Internet   (M. C.)

25. 03. 2018.
