Liliputins - 1353

Stuffed ballots boxes are dictators most favorite food ... "
Hanna Arendt

Liliputins. What the hell is it ?


GOP lawmaker knocks Trump for Putin call but refuses to distance himself from president

 Chris Stewart, Donald Trump (Photo illustration: Yahoo News; photos: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images, Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

A top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee chastised President Trump for congratulating Russian President Vladimir Putin on his reelection — but then refused to distance himself from Trump.

“You can’t have your head explode every time somebody does something you disagree with,” Rep. Chris Stewart, R-Utah, said during an interview on the latest episode of the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery.” Stewart’s comments came just as the GOP majority on the Intelligence Committee was preparing to release its report saying it had found no evidence of collusion between Trump and the Kremlin relating to the 2016 presidential campaign.

Stewart said Trump was “just wrong” to call Putin and congratulate him on his reelection over the objections of his own national security aides, who wrote talking points for him with the words “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.
“I don’t think there is any chance in the world this was a free and fair election,” Stewart said about the voting in Russia. “They were stuffing ballots in every location. Vladimir Putin intends to be there for a long, long time.”

But Stewart, a former Air Force pilot and novelist before being elected to Congress, was extremely reluctant to openly criticize the president for his phone call or his dealings with Russia. Stewart noted that Trump has taken other steps that could deter Putin, such as increasing the Pentagon budget and pushing NATO countries to live up to their commitment to spend 2 percent of their gross national product on defense.
