Liliputin -1342

2/3 of Russian voters deliberately jumped on the  Putin's bandwagon heading to abiss ... "
Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky


jump on the bandwagon


Alternative forms
climb on the bandwagon
hop on the bandwagon


US 1899. A bandwagon carried the musicians at the head of a parade or at a political rally, beckoning others to follow. When used to refer to politics, jumping on the bandwagon suggests following the crowd for the excitement of the event rather than any firm conviction in its direction or truthfulness. The phrase is first attested in a letter by Theodore Roosevelt in 1899:[1]
When I once became sure of one majority they rumbled over each other to get aboard the band wagon.

jump on the bandwagon
1.(idiomatic) To profit from a craze; to join a trend. After the incredible success of Cadbury's latest low-fat chocolate bar, Nestlй has jumped on the bandwagon, and released a low-fat version of Kit Kat.

See also
hitch one's wagon to a star
ride the coattails


to profit from a craze


1.^ “bandwagon, jump on the”,, Dave Wilton, Saturday, April 08, 2006


abyss - definition and synonyms

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noun [countable] abyss pronunciation in American English  /;;b;s/Word Forms
1. mainly journalism a very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope
The company was on the brink of a financial abyss.
Dangerous or exciting situations:danger, crisis, emergency...

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2. literary a large deep hole that appears to have no bottom

Synonyms and related words

Holes and openings in surfaces: abyss, aperture, blowhole...



adverb: deliberately

1. consciously and intentionally; on purpose.
"the fire was started deliberately"

synonyms: intentionally, on purpose, purposely, by design, knowingly, wittingly, consciously, purposefully; More

with malice aforethought

"he deliberately hurt me"

•carefully, cautiously, slowly, steadily, evenly

"he walked deliberately down the aisle"

2. in a careful and unhurried way.
"slowly and deliberately he rose from the armchair"
