Time measures changes in a time

19.03.2018.  Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
x a story, thoughts, fantasy items x

Time measures changes in a time

We will see the art items and history items with dates:

"Даты на средневековых изображениях (картинах)"

From this video,
the information and a visual information
from items of
history and the
art items:
How people wrote dates by a new calendar from The Birth of Jesus:

They put a Latin letter
J, or
j, or
i, or
prior the year,
making a visual clear
the accounting years b
y a new calendar from Jesus Christ Birth:

J - Jesus
i   jesus
from Jesus birth 

Examples from video items:

J562  ----->  1562   (6 century as 16th century)
i562 ---> 1562  (6 century as 16th century)
J750 ----> 1750  (8 century as 18th century)
i520 -----> 1520  (but really this  520 y, 6th century, which we named as 16 th century and 1520 year))

This video is with the collection of art work  with date  with J (Jesus) before the year
to make a visual a change date from old calendar to a new calendar "from the Birth if Jesus")
But  making +1000 year  forward to this.


1000  = Jesus ooo  Jooo  i000 j000   I000  1000

000  - The God has 3 look likes  Three In The One
(God-Father, God-Saint Holly Spirit, God-Son) = 000

Jesus birth   J000 --->  1000

The change of oldest ancient calendar with dates to a new calendar from Jesus Christ Birth was a new coming calendar of measure of  all time dates from Jesus birth.

How this affect a history of England and British Royalty, Kings and Queen history from 15-16 centuries start?
as this was from 5-6 centuries start? really?

so, 1000 -  Year of The Birth of Jesus (???)

So, English King Henry VIII of 16th Century of English history was from 6th century from the birth of Jesus Christ, really ?

2018 year   =  1018 year, really, 11th century, "Middle Age"
1900 - 1999 = 900-999 years,  10th century, Middle Age.

"if you wish to work as an official Historian, you need to lean to say to write what others graduated educated Historians wrote said,
and they always said what a power  in a state said ordered to say".

So, a real facts and a real history if not "for each all people"? just for some small group of someone to know and this all.

But I hope and I wish to believe this had been done with the best choice of all facts and reasons.

Probably, plenty time travelers came back to a time, making a good point of a choice to  protect Jesus Christ birth and Jesus Christ and his mother Saint Maria from time travelers, keeping them safe and comfortable and a private life.

Where plenty people would prefer to see some evil secrets, i may think this had been done in a good reasons to protect all, and Jesus Christ and Saint Maria too.


Turin Shred misery, as scientists found this would be  from 10th-12th century item, while this must be from 1st century item,
while all coins and all others bits as from a real Roman Empire  time, this could be a real, now.

not from 1000 - 1200  years, but from i000 - i200, or from  j000-j200 years, making the Turin Shred as a real items from a life time of Jesus Christ.

Physicians used to calculate a time without  this knowledge  J000 = j000 = i000= I000 = 1000 changes

#TurinShred #Turin #Shred #Jesus #calendar

May be this move forward was for a protection of a real  Jesus Christ?

Just to confuse all possible time travelers when, where, what and how and what this all was?

Sorry, dearest! Go to a school to learn a history well and more better!  Prior to start to travel throw a time, you need to go to a school, to The University to learn plenty things!

Probably, some The Teacher of History from a future was fed up to find his students, pupils, not on his class lessons, but on a time traveling activities "to study to learn a real history", making some copies of events, with a change dates, places, to return his pupils and student back to his class on his lessons of The History, The Art, to sit to listen to learn.

And some The Teacher of History could use the time travel back to a time, asking to change dates,
- Look! what is our future with these all kids, whom no one wish to listen what all older age people said them to do? as "they know all"?

Be my friend, - they will travel in your time or another time and i will catch them back to our time to return back to their parents and back to a school.

And all people as people in age, duties, adults, helped a lot. The one knew, the others are not.

I doubt people would be really happy to live as in the open Zoo cell with plenty time travelers from a future, coming to see them as to animals in a Zoo cell, never helping to survive, just enjoying to look for all?

So, this change dates had been done for some good reasons and purposes.

I read this.  Plenty strange people came to Russian Impair,  looking as Polish (foreigners, talking not on the old Slavonic Russian language, asking   Ivan Susanin ;to take them all straight and as the emergency to the Russian King (Tsar, Csar).   

Ivan Susanin took all biggest group of "strange foreigners" "Polish men" (talking with strange accent)  to the nearest  forest to a backwater [баквотэ] - [балоте] - болото? to a swam (трясина).  Nobody saw them all after this (including Ivan Susanin, too, killed by Pols, died with them, too).

These strange Pols, Polish men, had not a knowledge of each ordinary people that nobody walked to a King to say just
- Hi!  I would like to see to meet you to talk now and immediately! as I and we all here have such strange ideas to go to talk with Kings!

Some was in 1905 in Russian Impair.

Some plenty young teenagers, kids, women with a strange ideas to go to talk with Russian King immediately. 
They had been killed as they were sure all safe for them to come to do all what they wanted in 1905 year  (which was 905 year, really, a start of 10 century, named as 19th century  via   a writing J(esus)905, J905 = j905 = i905 = I905 = 1905.

This all with writing dates is a protection.

2018 year from the Birth of jesus
J2018 -- j2018 - i2018 - I2018 - 12018  120th century in a system to make J-j-i-I=1 prior the year
so, 2018 = 12018 year in one system
2018 = 1018 year in another 1st system

We will put this "1st" "from Jesus" visual as 1J
1=18 = 1018 = 1J1018 = 1j1018 = 1i1018 = 1I1018 = 11 1018  = 1110 century

after this we extracted all "1" as some may came from J=j-1-I-1 resources
this will be so year 10 or year 0.

2018 = 0 year or 2018 = 10 year or 2018 = 1018 year = 12018 year = 111018 year

This point to see as the time traveling  in this system to know years of changes dates , years, system of transcriptions in a writing,
how to put dates.

if someone will travel from 2018 to 2018 some year,

he may come to year 2018

0, 10, 1018, 2018, 12018, 11 1018,  ... on one system of Jesus Christ Birth symbolic calculations.

and never return back in own time
just to go some years in circles, as a time snare, which we named as Matrix, as a well organizing space making plenty illusions of move to somewhere while never  as another place, but the some cocoon of space, just named another way similar to  names of months, time accounting.

You may travel from your home to another country which you will see this while you may not travel in a reality, to stay in the some place, some space of the some cocoon space, making visual illusions just as change of names of somethings, as in a calendar for months, where all the some, just a visual look is different with a different names.

This is not a knowledge, just a sad thoughts about we do not know this World, really, and just this .

We do not know. So, to name this or another way just the optional agreement making things for us as more easy.

If to read the information from a past, so big similarities as people would from the future said, what we listen as from the past.

They said as two biggest city (Sodom and Homorra) had been destroyed suddenly, all were died.

Homorra --

Home,  Home are - Homeare  Homorra  (Some English land English language biggest town,

"Home are" "Homeare"/ Homorra
Home amur    - Homeamure - Homorra  (French town, France ?)

Sedoj  Belyj White

White House - White  - Belyj - Sedoy  (Grey, Gray) - America?

But plenty white buildings in Russian Impair in Russia in Europe too.
Russian  Orthodox Churches were mostly White.

Whom had destroyed, all inhabitants, hated them a lot, -  all women, all kids, all men.

The biggest town may be a name of a countries?

Homorra =  Homeare + Homeamur = Home are + Home amur = English lands + French land

Sodom = Sedoy - White = Russia (White House here and White Russian Orthodox Church) and Belorussia (Belo=White, Sedoy, Grey, Gray, White Russia) and USA (White House country)   and Greece (plenty white houses and buildings).

Sodom and Homorra lost would be a huge loss of  lives, if to think about, and the Bible text said as "all died, nobody survived from Sodom and Homorra, just  Noach, Noah and his family only.

Noach  Noatch = ночь = Night
[k]night Knight

I am not sure this was about the past or the future from the past, as some time travelers from the future may said about their future in a past making as to read events as events from past, too.

Another way as things are repeating. Day-Night, Up-down, click-clock.

So, Bible tried to save lives, probably, collection all to pass to a future.

I try to say we do not know nothing and this is always as this. We never know. We just live and this all.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

"Time measures changes  in a time", a story, thoughts, fantasy items
