A message to my lovely gardener

It’s another world of me,
Poignant but soft,
Permeated with sweet sadness,
Called nostalgy.
Those times when I wanted to present my love to other men –
They all seem so remote.
I hope nothing was in vain though
Those times aren’t of any importance now.
My heart can hardly remember those old feelings
Because the truth is that all feelings tend to fade
If they are not taken care of by the two.
No need to be jealous or worried.
They are behind me but not between us.
Those were beautiful flowers but they are dead now.
I feel pity but can’t grieve because
They can become soils for something really wonderful.
Can they? Can you help me? Will you be my gardener?
Give me your hand. Let the new blossoms turn into ripe fruit.

24. 05. 2014
