Get out of the shadows

1 verse.
I'm standing in the rain,
I so want to breathe,
To make it easier,
Transfer the cargo,
Losses and sorrows,
And they thought about the good,
What will be ahead !!!

2 times Chorus

It's time !!
It's time !!
I get out of the shadows,
And open your eyes,
To the whole world,
What will give love,
And everything will pass forever!

2 verse.
Do not be sad,
Do not shout,
Everything will be fine,
And in that distance,
The light is on,
On a way,
To get there,
To end!!,
Do not worry,
Just sing it out !!

2 times Chorus.

3 verse.
I found friends,
All is well,
And they are with you,
Just go ahead,
To dream,
To love,
To fate,
And the enemy's release!

4 times Chorus.
