Loneliness - Одиночество

Loneliness.  It is not a feeling, but rather the way of existence.  At first it feels strange not to have other people around you, especially once that was with you forever. Then you begin to recognize how people, who are technically here not really here anymore, they do exist but you and them newer cross each other.  You still looking at them, talking to them, even touching them, but it seems you exist in different dimensions, where both of you can occupy same space at the same time and not even realize it.
After some times your feelings begin to affect the matter of universe and things do begin to change.  People do start to forget about you, your birthdays that would be a big event before became insignificant and unnoticeable and soon you will ask yourself "will anybody recognize if I will die"...  someday this IF will change itself in to WHEN, and you will fill inevitability of this outcome.  Day by day it will be closer and at some moment you will catch yourself counting days, somehow by mysterious way knowing how much left.
Unexpectedly this will not scare you.  Nothing will scare you anymore.  The knowledge of the date will change not your life but rather your attitude toward it.  You will find out so many things that you suppose to do, friends you suppose to talk to and letters you must write.  At the same time hundreds of things that was important just couple days before will lose not only importance but a reason to be done. 
So much time to keep for yourself, so many people you do not need to talk with, so many lies you do not need to say or hear.
All this you will see somehow from a side line.  Nothing be important to you anymore you will do your duties, your job, day by day going to work, spending time with your family and taking care of business knowing that it is already your past, even if some of it will happen in the future.
Life ends and it is not tragedy and not an accident.  It is just the end of the world.... Your world.
