нлп и дипломатию - на все уровни бытия

война и мир и вечный бой/зов
слова Б. Окуджавы, музыка А. Рыбникова

until there are the boasters on the earth,
we must be celebrating our chance.
how blue and shiny is the sky!
we are not supporters of plunder:
for boaster there is no need in knife,
play a song a little to sweeten up,
and do with him just what you'd like.

the while the greedies are around,
we won't let out off our hands our luck.
how blue and shiny is the sky!
we are not supporters of plunder:
for greedy one, don't use a knife,
just show him a copper dime,
and do with him what would you like.

as long as fools are filling world,
it's handily for us to cheat, therefore/thus so.
how blue and shiny is the sky!
we are not supporters of plunder:
for stupid one, don't use a knife,
you tell/give him a sackful of hearty lies,
and do with him just what you'd like.

#a_ex     #котоптичк
