kids story natalia krutilova writer

Why the sky is not falling?

Ones upon a time little mouse went to the forest from his house. He looked up and saw sky.
So big. So deep. So scary. Said little mouse
Its beautiful. Its free. Its nice. Said birdie
I can go up in the sky and fly around! Said birdie
But i cant fly! I dont have wings! Said mouse
What are you talking about? Foxy came out from the bush. Lets build a rocket!

And everybody together start to work. They help to each other.
Help help! Said little mouse. I cant move on, i am stuck here.
I am coming. Said birdie.
Push push said foxy
And everybody moved together.

Here it is our beautiful rocket.
Everybody jumping. Yes Yes yes
No, its mine! Said foxy.
But i help and i really really want to go! Said mouse and cried.
Oh, no. We need to shear, because we build it together!
Lets go everybody inside!  Said birdie
Ok then. Said foxy
And everybody go inside the rocket

Five, four, three, two, one. Ready for take off. Go go go
And rocket go up to the clouds.
Why clouds not falling? Asked little mouse
Because they made from ice and snow. Its very cold up here. If clouds going down they melting to snow and rain because its warm downstairs.  Said foxy.

Lets go to the spays. Said birdie
There are  moon and sun! Said foxy
Why the moon and the sun are not falling? Asked mouse

Because they holding each other like if we hold hands and roundelay. Said birdie
And everybody started to turning around and circling  and laughing
Change change. Said foxy
And they start to run around and change each other.
I am sun its day. Said mouse
I am moon. Its night. Said foxy

Okay. Lets go home. Said birdie
Ready. Set. Go
And the rocket turned up side down and every body fly inside.
I can fly, but i dont have wings. How come? Asked mouse
Yes, me too! Said foxy
Because its free here inside rocket. Everything flying. Said birdie

And rocket go closer to the forest trough the clouds.
Its time for landing. Said foxy
Shhhhhh rocket made sound

Its night. Said mouse
Time to go to the bed. Said birdie
Good night. Said Foxy
See you tomorrow when sun come out again! Said mouse
And everybody go home to sleep

The end

Krutilova Natalia

