я здесь, Инезилья

слова Б. Окуджавы, музыка А. Рыбникова

late at night a Moon in the sky
lonely shines, alluringly bright, 
and I for you would like to get and bring it down,
what can I do, it's a time to sleep at night.

I don't need any jewels,
I don't fear any flus,
I'm frightened by nothing at all,
let just Malvine the Beautiful,
might just Malvine the Beautiful,
oh, if only Malvina
would adore me, and me alone.

early morning, right at a dawn,
Sun is so close to a ground,
and I for you would like to get and bring it down,
what can I do, as early waking 's hard.


#a_ex   #котоптичк
