дело-то, в общем, житейское

слова Б. Окуджавы, музыка И. Шварца
 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sfOtwh7E10
shan't you believe to god or to a fate,
but only know of purest and honest
your destination, which has brought
you to this world, like it or not.
the demons are selfish, devil is ill,
wannabe is god, and he is fatigued.
well, let and will the skies be clear, -
the rest will go as it happens.

all will go, all will be settled,
life and road, the soul and the mind,
parting white sail will be seen for a just tiny second,
and will vanish forever, like a fog, and a far.

swirl round, like a squirrel in a wheel,
remembering your aims and hopes,
swear cursing, like a villain or a weak,
be late or be on time, in turns.
the while the war god is taking nap,
a baker is baking pastry cakes,
well, let and will the thoughts be clear, -
the rest will go as it happens.

all be gone, all be stayed,
life and road, the soul and the mind,
parting white sail will be seen for a just tiny second,
and will vanish forever, like a fog, and a far.


// и где-то тяжким не_светским причетом заплачет лодочник недальних плаваний. (autoc по памяти)
 песню из фильма тож помню наизусть. причём, с очень давно. походу, только её и уловила [затылком из другой комнаты], когда фильм *крутили*.
