
I’ve been looking in the mirror
Guessing: “Who’s this superhero?
Superman who makes me fly?
Doctor Strange with magic eye?

Legolas who knows his target?
Batman operating gadgets?
Santa Claus who brings me hope?
Auror who can help me cope?

Alien who understands me?
Star whose light is never-ending?
Ninja guarding me unseen?
Friend that got under my skin?

Flash with always-perfect timing?
Merlin true enough to guide me?
Thrall with trustworthy foresight?
Illidan with boundless might?

Jedi fighting all my fears?
Ironman who mends my gears?
Wolverine with gentle heart?
Thor who tears my doubts apart?

Maybe, clever Megamind
With ambitions hard to find?
Hulk with strong and giant fists
Mightier than my cooking skills?

Eragon, the dragon rider?
Spiderman? Oh, Gosh, no spiders!
Who’s this hero? Who is he?
He is YOU just hugging me.”

