from my heart

it’s pretty easy:
i write you from the past,
but i love you now,
while you in your bed sneezing.

baby it’s cold outside,
i know,
i can send you some nudes,
but i guess
i am not a whore;(

so i’ll write you some verses
while they talk
about that versus on youtube.
i don’t see your face
and don’t hear your voice,
and i forget my lube.
it’s kinda hard to
be here,
this freedom for me
looks like puke.

i look at the sun everyday,
i write you my hello’s
and goodbye.
we know —
everything will be
life is just a journey
to eternal sunshine.
and i’ll do my best
to be with you
to the rest.

see ya in my dream,
where we can be
and make love
and peace.
