привычка к чему-нибудь и как-нибудь

http://www.stihi-rus.ru/1/evgeny_onegin-8.htm IX, X, XI

but why are people so unkindly
toward who has look of his own?
is this for cause they are untiring
in concerns and in-judge of all,
for cause the thoughtful souls' glow
sets those selfish stuffed naught
either on laugh or in insult,
the mind, which tends to air, confined,
and too much often empty talking
are taken gladly as the deeds,
and foolery is flippant and evil,
the flummery is big for vip ones,
and ordinariness alone
is understood and isn't odd?

blessed is he who was young when younger,
blessed, who has matured on time,
who gradually the cold of life
has managed to be chilled with time;
who had not lent ownself to dream clouds,
who hadn't  shunned a worldly routs,
who in his twenties was a cheeky spark,
at thirty who got married with luck;
who at his fifty paid his debts,
all private or whatever else,
who got the ranks, and purse, and fame
with no urge and step by step,
who was been said through all the years:
N.N. is nice and worthy man.

it's sad to think that all for nothing
the youth and vigil years are spent,
these often were failed untruthful,
these often can deceive as well;
the best of our youthful wishes,
the most of fresh and open dreams
gone moldered in fleeting row,
like weary leafs in rotten Fall.
unbearable to see in front
just lunches' and dinners' tiresome line,
to look at life as at some rite,
and, following a proper crowd,
play along, having neither share
in common thoughts nor tastes.

#А_С_П_ASCII_ANSI     #a_ex

// Все да да нет; не скажет да-с
Иль нет-с». Таков был общий глас. (с), то жe произведение http://www.poetry-classic.ru/2-5.html

// Дома новы, но предрассудки стары.
        Порадуйтесь, не истребят
     Ни годы их, ни моды, ни пожары. (c)

// http://www.stihi.ru/2016/04/22/9876
