трудно быть богом

/* что было - то и будет (с); а думали, что мчимся на коне (с);
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=is1SW1GwsxE  -- что наша жизнь - игра, и далее по тексту) */
 слова Н. Олева (Розенфельда), музыка М. Дунаевского

what are Passions by St. Matthew, -
just a vellicate for maimed.
world plays lottery and gambles
for unmeasured time and ages.
chance should be kept for the coming,
but the coppers clink in cly,
bacchanalia of passion,
saturnalia of hazard,
bet is death, and bet is life.

just like horses, round by round,
after vague delusive dream,
people run one after other,
racecourse is the globe as is.
betting pool is earth in whole,
that has been and that will be,
bacchanalia of wind burn,
saturnalia of hot wind,
punt is life, and punt's to leave.

odd or even, it's or either,
lots are wagered on mayhap,
and the bullet of bored jig
go through hearts ace - through the heart.
though a card is marked by blood spots,
one will lose, with any marks,
bacchanalia of challenge,
saturnalia of passion,
price is death, and price is life.


// кто-нибудь замечал/заметил, какой/как там passus duriusculus проходит в басах этак ненавязчиво?. семантика и семиотика символики, а то ж. проф. композер, ооочень грамотный. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saFdMJyfYR8
