сказки задремучьего леса

слова и музыка В. Высоцкого

in the wild and deep-thick forests, scaring-terrifying sites,
sundry dickens prowl swarmed and seed fear in passers by.
they howl yowling, you bet, like the dead alive,
if there found any birds - they are harpias.
scare, till dread thrill!

there in enchanted swamps, scanky hobgoblins do dwell,
they would tickle into hiccup and would lug off to the bed.
be you ahorse or afoot, - you'd be grabbed of,
and the pucks indeed do wander on.
scare, till dread thrill!

would a peasant or a merchant or a soldier happen in,
whether foolishly or drunken or whatever for, doesn't mean,
did they have the reason to get in, or not,
all of them just were seen - and got lost.
scare, till dread thrill!

there is a forest oversea, there is a real hell,
there are so fierce demons, they could eat each one of rage;
to make later some mutual evil deeds,
they arrived to share an experience.
scare, till dread thrill!

chief of harpias has thrown real mad feast for a case,
and of theirs a three-heads dragon and a vampire were present.
they drank potion in the sculls, they ate pebbles,
they were dancing on the biers, those blasphemers.
scare, till dread thrill!

asp the dragon zoomed on tree, started shake it mad,
"hey you, harpy-bird, march out gals, let them show up nat!
let the pucks sing and dance here for us,
otherwise, damn you all, I set fire!"
scare, till dread thrill!

chief of harpias was also not from same and simple brush,
sizzled, whistled, screamed, "ye viper, alien thug and nasty trash!
get out with no battle, buzz off now,
don't forget to pick up your vampire."
scare, till dread thrill!

all got roared, like bears, "we have suffered, years long!
we are true witches, aren't we really? are we patriots, or what?
got your wall-eyes afloat, bah, ye tick, got hammered!
and what's more - local women he hankers!
scare, till dread thrill!

and till now grayed people can remember whilom days,
spookies scuffled breasts in breasts, till they zeroed and nulled themselves.
once and for all the mess has been stopped,
and the humans can visit the spot.
and no scare, not a bit!

#В_С_В    #a_ex

// 7ую и 8ую строфы (7ой и 8ой куплеты) автор поёт/исполняет в обратном порядке. нарисовала, как в напечатанном тексте. перемена мест может быть случайностью - или иметь некий смысл. типа вектор возмущениев/протеста из вгде в накуда был задан/направлен, в какую сторону. эмм.. [простое] минорное трезвучие тоже можно подцифровать тристан-аккордом). дел такое.

// много неясного в странной стране, можно запутаться и заблудиться
 точно, безупречно, и пунктиром. (примерно почти там же)
