Forgive me, my unwanted action

We do not have adjacent points on our ways
Go away, please, go away
We will meet, I promise you
After some two, maybe three years
Don't be angry, we will meet
But today you are my secret.

I will cry, but not about you
Because my way is such a strict plan
I will cry a while, rumpling a handkerchief
This whisper, are you hearing? This silent grumble

I will come back for you, you have to wait
The sun will raise up, all the rain will gone
And we will meet , I promise
You only wait me, wait me
I am too confident about my correctness

No excuses for now, enough
Two of us will wait you here
A bit later and not under pouring rain
Suddenly in a moment day and night became equal in length
Surrounding mountains built a deadlock for us
Are you hearing me? Go away, please, we beg from you
We won't meet neither at nine, nor at eight
We are not waiting for you, let you go
After all the long way is hidden ahead, it's been awaiting us
