бесы. песни пляски. шаги на снегу


clouds are racing, whirling clouds;
and the Moon the invisible spot
lights the snow fleeting-flying,
sky is foggy, night is fogged.
riding, sleighing in the wide field;
bell is making its ding-dong,
scaring, scaring, with no mind wills,
are unknown spreading longs.

"go, my wainer!" - "sir, I can not:
horses go out of their force;
I can hardly keep eyes open,
ways get covered with heavy snow.
for life sake, no track is about;
we got lost. what can we do!?
devil drives us circles by sides,
while he plays his bubble-bee-boo.

look, sir, here, here he is dancing,
breathes and spitting onto me;
now there - he is hustling
a run-wild horse into a pit;
yet there, like an unlikely lanky,
he was upright just in front,
yonder he flashed like a spangle
and got exhaled in empty dark."

clouds are racing, whirling clouds;
and the Moon the invisible spot
lights the snow fleeting-flying,
sky is foggy, night is fogged.
no strength for further circling;
ding fell silent, horses stopped;
"what is it up there on snow?" -
"who knows? is it stump or wolf?"

blizzard's raging, groaning blizzard;
frightened, sensing, horses snort;
lo! this ghost afar is swinging,
there in dark, mere its eyes glow.
horses restart running racy,
bell renewed its ding-dong..
and I notice, the demons gathered
on these whitened plains and longs.

infinite are as are ghoulish,
through the misty lunar game,
sundry demons spin in surge,
like a foliage in November.
countless, where are the aimed?
why and what is their lament?
is it goblin's hearse to grave?
or a witch is getting wed?

clouds are racing, whirling clouds;
and the Moon the invisible spot
lights the snow fleeting-flying,
sky is foggy, night is fogged.
demons skirr, the hordes on swarming,
in unfirmamented height,
their whistle and sadly wailing
tear and lacerate my heart.

#А_С_П_ASCII_ANSI   #a_ex

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq3m_5RbQFo  особенно starting at 22:09. и всё в целом. и особенно starting at 33:04. это абсолютный ужас. полный мрак. вся Симфония. и впечатление не меняется вот с тех пoр, как впервые услышала. с школьных лет где-то. гениальное произведение гения. совершенство, кaк есть [одно из]. фантастическое совершенство абсолютного ужаса [9го круга].
 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FbjWamks18
 -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl7bSFeJ454

// http://www.stihi.ru/2018/06/20/8127
