persian Sun

to Kara

I had been looking Tehran moon,
I was so hopeful and full of joy
And thought – I’ll never stay beloved again,
Before I met you once,
A day called «char shanbe».
Yours beautiful and deep black eyes
Were full of joyness, when you looked at me
Like anyone just didn’t look before.
You talked to me and I was drawned
In your so fresh and wisdom speech.
The quietness of moves of you
Is made my mood such quite too.

I never asked advice before
Because I know what I have to do,
But now I am crazy one it seems
Such everyone of us who thinks
That  ‘is falling down in love.

And youthfulness of yours
Just makes me feel too old,
However, It does not care me.
I am happy now at all!

3 января 2018

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