The Path with no end

Shortcut without price.
Just klick it twice...
Through fire and ice.
Now you are with us.

Exile is not damned.
Now at your's command.
The Path with no end.
Your skills to reflect.

Pressing "one"
for drinking "wine"!
Holding "shift" -
arrows fly swift!
Killing fast -
he was the last!
Flesh and blood
for orbs and craft.

Developed for
those who want more
of grind and gore,
stones in the store!

Skill tree - step to step.
Celestial map.
This is a nice trap
for the points you've grabed.


The contest verce.
Like anthem first.
I feel no thirst
for prise, off course.

But let it be
T-shirt for free.
To wear with pride
for smilling wide,
for streaming guide,
for ever mind!

