пикейные разговоры в пользу обочины

слова и музыка А. Макаревича

discussions on-road are absolutely useless,
and are good for nothing as well.
but the night is on-tuning, and train goes on moving,
so here is a time just to chat.

and two got in fight not for service but of frank, -
wheels' clicking shook a slumber off.
the one said, "our life is a train",
the other replied, "it's a platform".

the one stated, "our passages are white,"
the other oppugned, "just be quiet",
the one said, "well, we are the drivers",
the other replied, "we are passengers."

the one said, "the freedom is our reward,
we drive the train  where we mean,"
the other replied, "keep low profile,
we'll get out just like we'll got in."

the one shot, "we can go straight/safe
for many and many years!"
the other replied, "well, not so many,
the matter is how much have you paid."

and one claimed, "we can fare where we want to,
and we can, if needed, to swerve."
the other replied, "the train only go
where there are appropriate rails."

so, both has got out - it's of no matter,
there are many places to name,
and each has returned to his own daily settings,
while the train has proceeded its way.


// http://www.stihi.ru/2017/03/05/7472
