My Birthday dedication to Alessandro Safina

Again late autumn spreads its wings above the Northern Hemisphere

In weird colours dressing all the trees at once!

Having enjoyed all seasons, being so dear -
Today we’re having once again this happy chance!

To say our cheers to sunny Alessandro

And fill with wine a brilliant crystal glass!

To drink for health and wishes coming in fandango!

To outshine events that daily made a fuss!

Prosperity and thriving!

Being obsessed with holy inspiration!

Enjoy the sound health and touring all land mass!

Be reverent to all you whole life cherish!

May bright and welcoming be family hearth!

May all the tunes be fascinating carvels,

That gracefully, full canvas, carry you through winds!

May ever be Your Name associated with a Marvel

Of very person that wherever wins!


Happy Birthday to You, Dear Alessandro!!!

