Snowy waltz

My translation of the song "SNOWY WALTZ" / "Снежный Вальс", performed by Alexander Marshal

Whirling, whirling, whirling  snowstorm...

Up, up  - hundreds of lights..

And …the night is clear…

Fields, fields … spotted with fires...

Ice, ice…till the spring.. comes...

Sleepless nights…

And  you,  - you’re  somewhere  -up  there…

Beyond  white...snow and blizzard …

You’re there - where stillness and peace…

And here – snowy waltz over pines…

Snowy waltz over pines!

Far, far.. flying the clouds…

Breathing, breathing , breathing the stream...

Dreaming, dreaming  dawn...

It’s so cold, so cold…baccy’s run out…

Soon, soon, soon is the dawn….

Without you…

And you  - you ‘re somewhere  - up there…

Beyond white… snow and blizzard…

You’re there - where stillness and peace…

And here –

Snowy waltz over pines!

And you – you’re somewhere - up there…

Beyond white… snow and blizzard…

You’re there - where stillness and peace…

And here – snowy waltz over pines!

Snowy waltz over pines….

