White-Stoned Church

My translation of the song "White-Stoned Church"/"Церковь Белая", performed by Vika Tsyganova/ Вика Цыганова

White-Stoned Church


There’s no rain for now - only presentiment...

And I feel so sad - almost growing mad…

All across the sky wind is dragging clouds

There’s a copper bell which in my soul sounds…

I’m not into drink; I’d better do a thing

Go to a white stoned-church instead filthy inn…

On the way to temple there’s no stone to stumble!

Please, absolve my sins, fair Father, humbled!

Please, absolve my sins, fair Father, humbled…

This white-stoned church knew a lot of trouble…

Hundred candles are lit…just no light to double…

Father, do tell me, why all things are so:

Though the sun shines bright -my heart’s dark and low?

Darkness in the soul and a haze in mind…

At wherever look -cheating is unkind!

Even here in temple no reprieve is mine!

What should be my way, consolation’s kind?
What should be my way, consolation’s kind?

What about if I, getting mad right now:

All along with poor stand on church porch’s ground?

Only I do know: there is God above!

He’s forsaken me, but did helped to others…

I believe there’s truth in my motherland!

Somewhere among folks, somewhere among temples….

Let them see in me only scoundrel‘s side

Only while I live, I’ll believe that kind!

Only while I live, I’ll believe that kind…

