The Prayer

My translation of the song "The Prayer"/ "Молитва", written by El'dar Ryazanov, music by Andrey Petrov


How hard to neither breathe or moan…

Days are flying in a whirl of snowdrift

Life’s a path from certain birth to same death

Vague and hidden is your lonely path

God, how hard…

To neither .. breathe or moan…

Snow’s  - all over

And we’re talking both

How to overcome this long-time winter

We must overcome this very winter,

So that we could hear spring’s thunderstorm!

Thank you, God,

For letting us live on…

We, together, walk through snowfall

And four traces follow us, behind -

Four footprints, being left by boots, behind!

Constantly are keeping track of us…

Thank you, God,

How snowstorm makes you glad!

Where are they, my very first footprints?

My first path remains somewhere snowbound

All the same will happen to my ground

By the grace of sympathetic fate

Thank you, God,

For constant..

Helping rate…

