We will be success in all! - Всё у нас получится

My translation of the song "We will be Success in All"/ performed by the band "Yahont"/"Яхонт"

If the sky gets gloomy

And your soul‘s cloudy

Call your friends to come and you will hear “Howdy!”

And how it’s simple!

There are no questions

If your faithful friends are close to you


We will be as one

And that will mean – Power!

And together we will live our life as flower!

Down with bad weather!

Let’s wish together

Happiness and love for years ahead!


We will be success in all!

We will be success in all!

And will our wonderful,

Fair dream come true!


We will be success in all!

We will be success in all!

And the brightest of all stars

Will shine over you!


All the nicest deeds for us to do safely!

Let us join our hands and go forth bravely!

Let people say it:

What wonder have it -

Moments of true happiness to feel!


If the sky gets gloomy

And your soul’s cloudy

Call your friends to come and you will hear “Howdy!”

And how it’s simple!

There are no questions

If your faithful friends are close to you


We will be success in all!

We will be success in all!

And will our wonderful,

Fair dream come true!


We will be success in all!

We will be success in all!

And the brightest of all stars

Will shine over you!


And the brightest of all stars

Will shine over you!

And the brightest of all stars

Will shine over you!

