English matters

Sometimes when you feel lonely,
just close your curtains
Close the door
And after that you pick the light
Inside your heart
And let it burn
It burn just everything you want
Can burn your soul
Can burn your home
Can burn whatever you desire
And also what you’ve never learn
It burns through words
It burns through tears
It burns through minutes
The holy fire of desire
The spirit truth
That never dies
Be born at once.
Behind that curtains
Lonely man
Had burn himself to ash
He sell his dreams to hundred cash
And nothing comes to him again
Just solitude
Just feel the pain
He want relief
And stop the game
Of spinning wheel
Where he’s a hamster
Runing foam
He has no home
He has no door
He has no curtains
After all
He done it
Everything is burned
He’s naked
Таких как он уж больше нет.
А где, бог весть. Пропал и след.
