Hard times forgiven

Hard times forgiven,
Good ones are given,
All empty fears forgiven
Under the smiling sun.

No tears are falling,
The happy ones only.
The blue skies calling
New life has begun.

Waves moving fast
Across the blue sea.
Showing their lust
To live and to be.

A few little clouds
Like curly lost souls
Seem full of doubts:
Which way wind blows?

The sand is so warm
And sun burns it all.
But I see a storm -
Rain's going to fall.

You may wrongly think
That it's a nature sketch...
Maybe, when you blink
It will be sense to catch.

Мне грустных слёз не сосчитать.
Счастливых только две слезинки.
Стихи люблю я почитать
моих любимых... из глубинки...
С уважением,

Андрей Чекмарев   06.01.2018 22:26     Заявить о нарушении