Like a wind which painted rain

Like a wind by touching rain
Trains pass station, broken cry
Windows glass is kissing sky
Like a fly which cannot die.

Vein is frozen under ice
Not in God, In Gold We Trust
Brass is soft but iron hard
Who is safe and who on guard?

La Marseillaise - song of dead
King who lost his stupid head
Queen who tried to run in vain
Who will clean the bloody stain?

Loss of memory - defect
Generational effect
No one remembers past
Time is moving so fast…

Stars are forming from the dust
Myth, creation, fake orgasm
‘Love your neighbor’, silly stance
Was invented as contrast.

As a gesture to the truth
As extraction of the tooth
Be yourself and fight for right
‘Get the rich!’ eternal plight

Feed the homeless on the street
Build and use the human greed
Cross on green and stop on red
Always steal your honest bread
Never mention leader grade
If you can, join blackmail trade
Choose right time, right place and space
Play it safe, don’t loose with grace. 

Let’s make story very short
In your country and abroad
Follow signs on easy road
Keep progressive thought afloat

Like a wind which painted rain
Like a train that granted stay
Dream is torn apart by pain
Soul’s disdain is body gain.

Ты, как ветер, пишешь дождь,
Каждый день чего-то ждёшь.
Мчатся годы, словно дым,
Будь подольше молодым!

Ника Ребровская   29.06.2018 20:02     Заявить о нарушении
Ника, большое спасибо. Эли.

Эли Сигельман   04.07.2018 23:12   Заявить о нарушении
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