Я к Вам пишу...

Я к Вам пишу, надеюсь Вы прочтете
В который раз, пытаюсь Вам сказать
Прошу, услышьте, прежде чем порвете
Позвольте чувствам в строчках прозвучать

Благодарю судьбу за нашу встречу
И ноябрю верна теперь навек
За самый теплый и уютный вечер
Самый родной мне в мире человек

Большего счастья в жизни не припомню
Знаю что в мире нет роднее глаз
И шум дождя мне всякий раз напомнит
Как сочинял мелодию о нас

Вы не спросив, за нас тогда решили
Что будет лучше, распрощаться нам
Сердце моe с собой Вы захватили
Мне лишь велели свято верить Вам

Ждать не устала, верила и знала
Что нелегко Вам было как и мне
Ваши глаза из тысячи узнала-
С просьбой побыть опять наедине

Что если мы попробуем иначе
Сердца открыть -впустив туда любовь
Суметь понять, что друг для друга значим
И в счастье вместе окунуться вновь

Я к Вам пишу, ведь сердце моё с Вами
Я не прошу Вас мне его вернуть
Но как и прежде, Вы за нас уж сами
Зделайте всё, чтоб проложить к нам путь...


I often saw a little girl and a little boy whith lived together on the third floor. They are Zulfiya and Ravil, sister and brother. Their apartment had a balcony, but it ours didn't.
Sometimes I went to Zulfiya, to watch from the balcony our yard. Zulfiya also came to visit me. When Dad bought the piano I showed for Zulfiya how to play the piano.
I did not call Ravil for me. I was bored with him.

Winter has come. I was invited to visit an another girl from the first floor to celebrate New Year with she. Her dad was a military officer. Every morning he went out to the porch and cleaned to a shine army boots.

When door in girl's room was open I saw a fir-tree. It was fabulous. Fir lights were glowing I saw it for the first time. Shiny toys were beautiful!
At my home our toys on the fir tree were made of paper. But her tree had still candys and tangerines. Tangerines were addition to toys. They were wrapped in the mirror paper and were suspended on the branches.

The girl gave me a tangerine. Delicious!

What was the name of the girl? - I do not remember ... I remember she was very beautiful!

What was color her hair and eyes? Also I can not remember. Were curls on her head. She smiled to me. Her hand affectionately took my hand and we started drove around tree. She told me something. What did she speak me I do not remember also ... The dress she was too beautiful. And I was fine! This I remember very well. Then I realized - this is happiness !!! Happiness is when a girl takes a hand on the arm, smiling, and when it is - beautiful ...

Yes, that's how it was. It's amazing.

But then the girl had gone. I have not seen her again. Her daddy, as a military officer, was sent to live in another place, he took with him and the girl, and the mother of this girl and her grandfather. Even a kitten it taken away. A memory of happiness with the first girl remained. So I thought about it. A few weeks later, I stopped interested in Zulfia and I stopped coming to her balcony. After that playing the piano was like torture for me

When I drew notes and treble clef is very difficult to me. But created it with dad was interesting. I nice spending five lines on a paper, it was also interesting. But it was not interesting with teacher. So I was hiding under the table, and she could not find me. When she was finding me I was seating down on the circular spiral stool, was putting fingers awkwardly and pressed the buttons. Boredom!
If I studied together with this girl from the first floor - it would be good. That's all I could remember about my first girl...

So it happened - Zulfiya hurt ... and he did not understand it ... in the story - he offended she. Nobody noticed, it is not condemned ...
That's right - or not?

Yuri Kazakov 14/06/2012
the Fourteenth of June, 2012
Original - http://www.proza.ru/2010/02/25/751

Казаков Юрий Валентинович   28.01.2018 07:54     Заявить о нарушении
It's interesting how certain things stay with us throughout life.. )
I could be wrong, but I think that when we go back in time to recollect, it is because we are questioning ourselves and our decisions. What could have been what might have been if I had done this instead of that?
When in fact, everything happened exactly the way it was supposed to happen. Don't regret your decisions...at the time, they were your best choices.

Being that you shared something personal, I, too, will share something with you. I only shared this story with one other person on stihi.ru...not an official publication like yours... just part of a conversation..

It was a beautiful Saturday morning in June. The family was getting ready to go to Westchester in Upstate New York. Mom was putting finishing touches on the picnic basket, my brother picked out some cd's and I was making last minute decisions on the selection of a bathing suite. Sheena Easton was singing "For Your Eyes Only" on Z-100 as we took off...

When we arrived, I quickly changed and went for a swim. Twenty minutes later, I met a rather friendly girl, who offered to walk around and explore the place, indicating that boating was available. My mom thought it would be ok, being that I would not be alone, but did ask that I didn't venture out too far.

We were walking barefoot, enjoying the feel of the grass and the warm sun. I was 15 and my newly found friend was 16. The park was amazing. Picnic areas laid out throughout the entire territory. A beautiful lake that ran across was alive with people. We kept walking until we saw a boating area. There was an entrance fee into the park, but once inside, everything was free, except for food and drinks.

We decided to go on a boat. As we got closer, we saw a bit of a line and people being teamed up. We wound up standing behind a group of 6, interestingly enough, Russian-speaking young people. They were much older than us...in their 20s. A "fun group" indeed.
The girls would giggle, periodically, in response to the jokes told by the 2 young men with them. They were all trying to get into one boat, but the boating personnel was telling them that there were too many of them for one boat and that they would have to split up...

As they were deciding, who will go with whom, one of the guys from the 'boating crew' turned to my friend and I and asked "and who are you with?" He politely explained that to get on a boat, we would have to be accompanied by an adult.
As we were about to turn away, one of the guys from the "fun group" stated..."they can come with us. I'll take full responsibility"
My friend and I looked at one-another and before I could say anything, she replied for both of us..."SURE!"

Everyone was strapped into life vests and each of the 2 guys from the "fun group" were issued a boat. It was like watching selections for a volleyball game, as the guys pointed out to the girls, indicating, who will be in their boat. My friend and I ended up in separate boats.
Thinking back, I couldn't understand, why I politely didn't excuse myself, and walk away...

I ended up in the boat of the one, who claimed "full responsibility," along with 3 other girls. As the boat was getting farther and farther from the shore, I was wondering what I would tell my parents and whether or not they were looking for me. My thoughts were interrupted by one of the girls, who asked our "boat leader" to tell a joke. As he was about to tell one, he looked at me, smiled and said... "she's kind of young for my jokes..." It was humiliating... I wanted to jump off the boat and swim to the shore. I felt a big lump in my throat and wanted to cry, but that would prove him right.... so I held in the tears and looked away. Minutes seemed like hours on that boat and I could't wait to get back. I was getting tired of the giggling and the flirtation that seemed to be non-stop. I was looking in astonishment at the behavior of females much older than me and it was making me sick..

The one hour boat ride, finally ended. I don't know where my 'friend' went, but I hurried back to the picnic area, where my parents and their new friends, were having a great time. It felt like I was gone a really long time, but by the reaction of my family, I could tell that it wasn't the case.

Months went by since that day in the park...

It was a rainy day and my mom asked me to meet her by the train station with an umbrella. I grabbed one and hurried along. I got to the train station 15 minutes before the train's arrival and stood below the platform, listening to the raindrops hitting the top of my umbrella.
As I stood there for 5 minutes, I heard another train arrive and people started rushing down the stairs. I knew my mom was not on that one, but kept looking at the people hurrying down the stairs. And there he was...in his black leather jacket and blue jeans, the one, who once claimed "full responsibility" for me. As our eyes met, we instantly recognized each-other. He came closer and asked..."waiting for me?" as he ran his fingers through his wet hair... To which I replied, no...as I recall, you said - "I'm too young for you..."

That day on the boat, I hadn't had the slightest idea, that this would be the man, I would share the rest of my life with...

No matter what happens in Life, we never forget our *first..anything or anyone )

Симона Пекер   29.01.2018 05:52   Заявить о нарушении
Вот это да!

"Интересно, как некоторые вещи остаются с нами на всю жизнь.. )
Я могу ошибаться, но я думаю, что когда мы вернемся назад во времени, чтобы вспомнить, это потому, что мы ставим под сомнение себя и наши решения. Что могло бы быть тем, что могло бы быть, если бы я сделал это вместо этого?
Когда на самом деле все происходило именно так, как должно было произойти. Не жалей о своих решениях ... в то время они были твоим лучшим выбором.

В том, что вы поделились чем-то личным, я тоже поделюсь с вами. Я только поделился этой историей с другим человеком на стихи.не такая официальная публикация, как ваша... просто часть разговора.."

А меня есть целая книга, написанная благодаря воспоминаниям!

Казаков Юрий Валентинович   29.01.2018 11:49   Заявить о нарушении
И если захотите, вы и сами можете её прочесть, и показать подруге и даже гинекологу её!

Казаков Юрий Валентинович   29.01.2018 11:51   Заявить о нарушении
Вот она, книга эта, которую я опубликовал совсем недавно!

Казаков Юрий Валентинович   29.01.2018 11:52   Заявить о нарушении
Замечательное достижение, Юрий! Поздравляю!!

Спасибо, что поделились

Симона Пекер   29.01.2018 19:39   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.