Find me, please

"Extreme cold is rare and leads to death within hours. This applies to someone who goes out in a raging blizzard or climbs a mountain without proper equipment..."
Shadows of Esteren. The Vale of Dearg, p. 49.

"...I knew a lot of people in my life...honest, clever, strong and brave... But the best of them are You - the only woman, who went through the night, cold and death not for treasure and not for veritas, but to find me...broken and dieing to bring me back to life..." 
Aneirin Keldrick

* * *
Find me, please...
My body is broken,
The wind blows stronger,
And I hardly breathe...

I beg for you...find me...please.

I wanted the highs,
But I dipped to the depth,
I cut all my ties
To find what? Death?

I dreamed you would run from the trees...
I'm dieing...Please, find me... Please.

I feel fire's brighter
And warm in my chest.
The pain is slighter...

"You found me"... - "Yes".

Это одна из историй о родителях Алвены - Анейрине и Ивонне Келдрик.
(Стихотворение не входит в основной цикл "Дневника Алвены")
