
[1 verse]


Doves in the air, the rainbow glares
On our faces all at once,
Doves in the air and nothing else,
A weather profet needs advice.


C'mon! Take my hand, the Lord is back,
We'll overcome ~~flush-shower-flood©,
Look at your flat, the pain is bad,
I'll give you the cup of holy truth.

[2 verse]

The queen is lost, heart balloons burst
Under the lustre of the stars,
I'm not the ghost
, IT really hurts
Beneath the skin in several parts.


C'mon! Take my hand, the Lord is back,
We'll overcome ~~flush-shower-flood©,
Look at your flat, the pain is bad,
I'll give you the cup of holy truth.

©Все права принадлежат автору, 2017-2021~
(-music available-)

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