Где-то там... английский

Heart day love lives, the soul is born hardly,
Are you waiting for its coming, and again, you depths attain.
Where are you? Will find himself on the chopping block of life and grief!
With you nothing is taken away, it is empty, it is in the darkness...

At night, the fog fell on the ball, with a sun rising,
You slept a long time, but the way tired, and now has called you to the flame.
Where there was only a world war now, a weight of gold,
You were not invited, where the world is born again...

In the forest there is a fog of the earth, the living fire begets life,
So Wake up and live here, the distant wanderer, Miramira...
And the world is gone, and explosions quietly shouted,
And somewhere in there, your old house, burning alone in the night and the darkness...


Рэссика   24.08.2017 13:14     Заявить о нарушении
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Сандро Бычков   24.08.2017 16:39   Заявить о нарушении