
"It was part of the economy drive in preparation for Hate Week." (Orwell 1984)

Please, don't unlock all those buckles,
Don't loosen the hold of dependency puzzle.
Escaping will bring war time to love.
Safer to have me as a mirror enclosed,
set in a frame, golden and carved -
don't begrudge the cost.
Ill pay you back
reflecting you as a Saint
in a cope engraved.
Simply believe, but don't see into reflections
otherwise sadness might cause some infection.
Doubt might slide away
from the glass surface
and penetrate
with its cold, with its curses.
Believe me, it is for the better, having the leather rein drawn
While the mode "waste-time-but-restrain-feelings" turned on.
Remember to keep dependency chain always locked,
Coz "freedom-less" base will make your paradise long.

