Not dear guest..

You put yourself a dot
I was ready to do a lot.
I was ready to be your wife.

Oh you, such strange
and silent guest.
I thought you know the best
Of all what's going on.

I thought you are my guidence..
I thought you kept this silence
To understand me better.

But how could I see friendship
In all your flirting veil?
But maybe this was nothing.
And I am just female..

Of course I've been so stupit.
You hinted on it nearly,
Yet I've been telling of you
Admiring, sacred, dearly.

I told of you so deep,
That noone ever will.
I thought you were that deep.
You were my biggest thrill.

You were my biggest miracle.
I thought you are the one))
I got your smallest fears
And biggest hopes at ones.

As though you needed it.
How could I.. Oh, come on!

I was supporting dearly
Your wishes and desires.
Believing in you, really,
Like prisoners to sires.

Like sires to their king.
Like king believes to noone..
And that was what you did.
Believed noone. Well, go on.

You know, I did the best.
That noone did for you.
I waited for you, guest.
I wanted only you.

I thought you were most patient,
The bravest, strongest, smartest!
The deepest, honest, gentlest!
The things not else will notice.

I saw in you such things,
That even you don't see.
The accent, mimics, motives,
The aura you bring.

You told me ones to walk by heads
To understand things better .
It turned that I'm just another head..
I hope you do get better!

You said you never lied to me. True.
You just told me best compliments,
And looked as could look only you.

How could you make such big mistake?!
To understand that bad
My character, my mind, and me..
So many years.. you should have seen.
Just didn't want to see.

The problem was you never
Asked whoever wait.
You never said. But better
You never said it straight.

You said it with vage hints.
That I, romantic fool, found brilliant.
I need nothing of prince.
I needed to be treated
As one from all the million.

I thought you do, imagine that))
How girls can make things up.
I was making oceans
From smallest of your drops.

I was making hero
Out of someone ordinary.
I was reading you, literally,
Whatever your capris.

Yet I've been praying of you
So you would have success,
So you'd be happy with me
Or without, if it's best.

You didn't see all treasure,
You never bothered see.
I'll wait for someone really special.
Special cuz he'll choose only me.

And even now, i'm writing this,
Not for you. You don't deserve it.
I know that you won't miss
Anything. So good that I have wits
To see how I've been loyal,
To something that even didn't exist.

I had this admire out of blindness.
It's good that it is true.
And thank you for your kindness.
There is no need in you.

I think that I deserve that.
Leaving all the rest.
But I'll remember lesson.
Your lesson, not dear guest.

And if the fire fainted,
It is not him to pity.
It's those who were by fire
Warmed and calmed so gritty.
