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Is the WASP - President Donald Trump  taking the front seat
in the paddy wagon ? ... "


Top definition

Front Seat

one of two options you can take when your friends approach the bus stop in a car: the other being backseat.

Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?


where nobody gets fucked

jarome was in the frontseat last night


where nobody gets fucked

jarome was in the frontseat last night


a place in the front of the car where a guys jumps to right after fucking a girl on her way home to her parents that are not supposed to know anything. usually right on her driveway.

(he) - ok, i'm gonna jump to the frontseat real quick, right?
(she) - yeah, cuz my parents will kill me if they see you on the backseat with me..


WASP ( White Anglo-Saxon Protestant )

White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) is a term for an elite social class of powerful white Americans of British Protestant ancestry. WASPs often trace their ancestry to the colonial period. The term is often used as a pejorative to attack WASP historical dominance over the financial, cultural, academic, and legal institutions of the United States. The term is usually used to distinguish WASPs from White ethnics, who were descendants of immigrants of German, Irish, Jewish and other origins who were traditionally excluded from important roles. Sociologists sometimes use the term to include all Protestant Americans of Northern European or Northwestern European ancestry regardless of their class or power.
Until the 1940s, WASPs formed the ruling class of the United States with a large role in Republican Party leadership, as well as finance, business, law, higher education, and especially high society.[4] The postwar era saw a steady movement of new groups into higher positions. They developed a style of understated leadership.
During the latter half of the twentieth century, many of the traditional rivals and enemies of the WASPs continued to attack WASP power and influence, disparaging it as "the Establishment". Since the 1960s, the power of WASPs has sharply declined against the growing influence of ethnic groups, including non-whites.
The term is also used in Australia and Canada for similar elites.


paddy wagon

President Trump's reference to paddy wagon insults Irish Americans like me

By James Mulvaney 

August 1   2017

James Mulvaney is an adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and served as deputy commissioner of the New York State Division of Human Rights.
The use of the derogatory phrase paddy wagon wasn't the worst thing President Trump said last week. But it shouldn't get lost amid the litany of objectionable utterances.
In a speech on Long Island Friday, Trump bellowed a series of nonspecific pronouncements regarding his administration's strategy to combat the deadly street gang MS-13. He provoked the ire of police chiefs across the country with his statements condoning the roughing up of arrestees. When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon you just see them thrown in, rough  I said, please don't be too nice, Trump riffed. Like when you guys put somebody in the car and you're protecting their head, you know, the way you put their hand over? Like, don't hit their head and they've just killed somebody don't hit their head. I said, you can take the hand away, okay?

As a teacher of police science, I too feel strongly that prisoner mistreatment is a counterproductive crime-fighting tool and appropriately deemed a felony. The topic was particularly irresponsible when addressing a police department whose former commissioner is serving 46 months in federal prison for roughing up a prisoner.

But I was also put off by Trump's description of police rounding up gang members into a paddy wagon. To many Irish Americans like myself, the phrase is insulting; it should not be used in polite discourse.

Paddy, of course, borrows from the pet form of the common Irish name Patrick and has long been deployed as a slur. The origin of paddy wagon, though, is unclear.

According to one popular account, the phrase dates to the mid-19th-century when U.S. cities  notably New York and Boston  were flooded with Irish immigrants escaping the catastrophic food shortage at home. The brand-new New York City Police Department (first called the Municipals, later the Metropolitans) was dispatched to round up the Irish on suspicion of drunkenness or to dragoon them into the Union Army. The police back then delivered arrestees to stations in horse-drawn vans called Black Marias, named after a famous racehorse and referring both to the signature color and speed. But the vans came to be known as Paddy wagons because of the ethnicity of their cargo. Social commentator William J. Stern cited this account in an essay for City Journal in 1997. Over half the people arrested in New York in the 1840s and 1850s were Irish, Stern wrote, so that police vans were dubbed paddy wagons and episodes of mob violence in the streets were called donnybrooks, after a town in Ireland.

Etymologists are somewhat skeptical of that theory. In newspapers and other sources from the 1800s, paddy wagon typically refers to a wheelbarrow. Merriam-Webster says that paddy wagon, meaning police vehicle, came into use in 1909. By then, the Irish had become a significant part of law enforcement. Nearly 70 percent of the New York police force was made up of Irish immigrants or first generation Irish Americans, according to author Richard Zacks. So it may be that paddy wagon had less to do with the prisoners thrown into the back than with the police driving in front. Indeed, by the 1960s, civil rights protesters had adopted paddies as a generic term for the police.

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'ve Been to the Mountaintop speech refers specifically to paddy wagons.

We would be thrown in the paddy wagons, and sometimes we were stacked in there like sardines in a can, King recounted. And they would throw us in, and old Bull would say, Take 'em off, and they did; we would just go in the paddy wagon singing, We Shall Overcome.

I certainly don't think King intended to slight Irish Americans. And Trump probably didn't either. But that doesn't take the sting out of the phrase when I hear it.

My great grandfather, a cop who first walked a beat in Brooklyn and later for the NYPD, told me of early job searches at the turn of the last century and the widespread presence of signs saying, Irish and dogs need not apply. His son, my grandfather, served as editor of the Cornell Law Review in 1953 and was rejected by every white-shoe law firm in Gotham, apparently because of his last name. As a foreign correspondent in Belfast in the 1980s, I was repeatedly tossed into police vans presumed guilty for having the temerity to live in a predominantly Catholic neighborhood. Slaps of nightsticks to the shins and kicks to the ribs were accompanied by a variety of vile phrases ending with the word paddy.

Two years ago, I complained to the New York Times about the appearance of paddy wagon in a crossword. Puzzle editor Will Shortz dismissed my objections, writing: The Irish are not a group that's discriminated against in the U.S.

That's generally true. But each use of the phrase paddy wagon evokes a time when they were.

