Drive to love yourself

That’s what we are.
The most controversial, strange, unique creatures of the Universe.
We try to be unpredictable, yet we are too scared to show up and stand apart.
We are extremely impulsive in our actions, yet deep inside we have the strongest fear of loneliness.
We all have immense potential, yet we are too lazy to handle with it.
We are maximalists in the way we feel and think, yet we don’t let ourselves plunge into something really capturing while it can swallow us up and we have no idea of how to get out of it.
We are good friends, brothers and sisters, the best advisors, yet we never follow our own wise recommendations.
We strive for honesty as one of the most important issues, yet we lie to ourselves with an unwitnessed perseverance and elegance.
We pretend we don’t care what people think of us, yet we try so hard to please their expectations and to follow their standards.
We want to change the world, yet we can’t even let our old bad habits leave us once and forever.
We cry out that we never come back to the past and make the same mistakes again, yet we break our own rules and principles for some mysterious heroes of someone else’s stories.
That’s what we are.
Insecure, unindifferent, anxious about people’s opinions, lonely dreamers who always hope for the best but are ready for the worst.
But we are not miserable.
We are beautiful.
Each of us has the charm that distinguishes us from one another.
Each of us has his or her own inner world, full of unknown roads and corners.
Bright or dark, colorful or grey-shaded, that does not really matter.
Love yourselves.
Be yourselves.
Don’t be ashamed of who you are.
And never – remember – never let anyone make you think you are miserable.
