I very want just calm down

I very want just a 
Calm down and like
To be ice Pattern
Me Entangled
Frozen my heart and My  Suffering Soul...

Because me so Hard
Without your
Amazing Love

Crazy Passion,
Your hot Kisses
From head to toe...
I need it so Much!
As clean Air.

I miss  for You!
Into my eyes going  to Rain
Seems I see you only My
Happy dreams, maybe only My Head,like I long time Ago

I Created to You .
Death now from Obscure Melancholic Mood...

I want Feel you,Inside me
Again, hear warm Breath at my Face,how long time we can Not Sleep, just laying together
Save own Warm...

But now it only Memories
Forget Story
It's like there's been this Fog Around my life, and with You, All of a sudden it's Gone.

But now,you Disappeared and it Feeling deep emptiness a Return Again...

I'm sitting in my Loneliness
And I Alone with my Thoughts,
Crying very quietly on the Inside. My sadness river's in My blood  Mixing
With  insane  Fury!

I'm totally a Broken,
I would like to, fall Asleep a Forever, and here  Meet you!
Please, give me a Chance
Again Feel your Presence Near...
