Athena! Афина!

(Yana Lorano).

Somewhere far away, where we do not know;
There is one wise priestess of fire;
Goddess of all justice of the world;
Goddess of War and Peace.
She slowly makes the verdicts;
The very beauty of many eclipsed;
And the mind of its borders did not happen.
With a torch in hand, the code of laws read to everyone;
Respect and fear, she inspired all mortals;
And I looked at someone, good, or evil, it will be more.
On Olympus it was also appreciated, respected;
Could be a destroyer, a strife;
And could be reconciliation;
To become harmony, peace;
And in the houses of people, helped to adjust coziness and comfort;
Set up a family home.
The deity and being that everyone was afraid of;
Who loved and always worshiped!

May 22, 2014
