Summer time adventure

We've opened the lifebook on the first page today.
We've left all problems behind, there is always a way.
We've managed to get excellent life anyway.
And we'll visit all countries from China to lovely Norway.

There will be billion stories of our adventures one day.
We'll be the most happy and loving family all over the world, by the way.
I thought this brilliant life was only a dream, for what we could pray.
But he's made me the happiest women, no more regrets, not even a day.

One won't be able to find such magnificent person even in whole Milky Way.
I've got a lot of romantic words for him to say.
But the most important: I trust him literally all the way.
So, darling, let's close our eyes and immediately choose any highway.
Our summer is waiting, let's run away.

/Всегда посвящаю лишь тебе/
