Just Always Be

In the most candid souls, there are memories to conceal,
As these hesitant eyes are shut tight and these lips are sealed.
Worlds are lit by the sun splashing colors of million hues,
And there're so many things to accomplish without you.

I was warned: winds are knocking me down, the way is steep.
Breathing in, breathing out the vow I won't keep.
I am burned into ashes and now is born anew,
And the world's torn apart into everything else and you.

Let these waves leap and break, softly kissing the rocky shore.
Take me in, dry me up, suck me out to the very core.
I would quench all your thirst, fresh and tasty as morning dew,
But you throw away everything that I give to you.

Things beyond your routine pretty seldom are what they seem:
Let me show you all wonders and worlds you have never seen.
As the plane's taking off, hold my hand and enjoy the view.
Take my beauty, devour it - it is left for you.

Streams of infinite energy run through my mortal veins.
I could fight to the end until nothing of me remains,
Yet I lay on the ground defeated and have no clue:
Why the hell of all people on Earth it should have been you?

Nothing treats this incurable illness: try as I might,
You'll eventually tire of swimming against the tide.
So I take a deep breath and forget everything I knew
To reenter this wonderful world being into you.

I was locked in emotionless, motionless, paintless room.
Let me out, be my tears and joy, let me fade and bloom.
All the best in your life always comes out of the blue -
Well, I drowned in space-coloured iris and found you.

Even though not a whisper of love ever warms these lips,
I will not let it go, I'll guard it - until it sleeps.
And no matter how hard is this battle, I'll never flee.
Be my friend, be my foe, be whatever - just always be.
