Liliputins -771

Better a nothingburger than a shit sandwich ... "
Donald Trump



something lame, dead-end, a dud, insignificant; especially something with high expectations that turns out to be average, pathetic, or overhyped.

"much to the team's dismay, the number one pick in this year's draft turned out to be a nothingburger"

nothing burger

Two pieces of bread slapped together with nothing in between. Usually eaten when you have nothing in the house except bread or are too lazy to spend 2 minutes making a decent sandwich.

Rob: My breakfast is usually just a nothing burger and a cup of coffee
Ann: Wtf you're so lazy, did you ever try eating decent food?


Political bill that appears to promise much if only its title and summary are read. Then when the entire bill is read and its projections are analyzed it quickly becomes apparent that the promises it makes are incapable of being delivered.

Bill 1222 promising free prescription medication to all seniors vastly under estimates the related costs, and over values dubious revenue sources. Worse, this NOTHINGBURGER of the year could lead to disasters in senior households as they prepare budgets with free prescription coverage.


Shit Sandwich

A bad situation.

"It's one big shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite."

Shit Sandwich

A 'SHIT SANDWICH' is a method of delivering some bad news, advice, or a rejection of someone's idea(s).

It is designed to make the bad news, advice or rejection more palatable, easier to take, and/or easier on the receiving party.

It is used to ensure the the person hearing the bad news, advice or rejection actually listens to what is being said so they can eat and digest it...

You want someone to eat the 'Shit' (bad news), you serve it between two lovely slices of bread.. hence 'Shit Sandwich'

George is just about to be sacked....

Hi George,

You've been with us for over 20 years and you've been a fantastic member of our team. You've dedicated so much of your own time its unbelieveable. You are a real credit.

The company needs to cut back and as you are so close to retirement it was felt that you'd be the ideal one to step down. Free up some of your time to do things you want to do.

Think of all the positive things you can now do with that dear wife of yours. She can fianlly spend some quality time with you, and you can take that Cruise you've always said you'd take her on. I envy you George.

Thats a 'Shit Sandwich'......

Not - Hi George, your Fired.....

Shit Sandwich

A way of giving crappy news to someone.

The news is dressed up as, first a positive statement then the bad news, and then a positive statement to take the edge off things.

Hey man, I saw your Lovely Sister last night, shame she was being Spit Roasted by your Dad and his Bro, your Mum looked happy though....

Shit Sandwich

Popular philosophical reflection. You see, life is like a shit sandwich because the more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat.

Life is like a shit sandwich, and shit happens, man

Shit Sandwich

Two pieces of bread with shit in the middle.

You'll be lucky to get a shit sandwich to eat after what you've done.

Shit Sandwich

A bad situation that cannot be avoided, lessened, or changed in any way

It looks like the enemy has a full-scale assault planned, and we can't do a damn thing about it. It's a huge shit sandwich, and we're all going to have to take a bite.

Shit Sandwich

A job offer in the Trump administration

Bob Harwood wisely avoided the shame and chaos of working for Trump. He wasn't going to eat a "Shit Sandwich"


Nope, never met with any Russians to discuss a political campaign. And he didn’t have foreign relations with that ambassador. It sounds like at least the first of those two meetings really may have been a nothingburger, or at the very least a White Castle nothingslider, based on how WaPo describes it: During the Republican convention, Sessions went to a Heritage Foundation event that was attended by about 50 ambassadors, and after he spoke, he spoke very briefly with a small group of ambassadors, Kislyak among them, and they said nice things about his speech. So, fine, let’s just toss that one out. But Sessions having a one-on-one meeting in his office with Kislyak in September? That there’s a burger, and we need to find out what toppings were on it, even if Sessions says now he hardly even remembers it.

There’s also one big problem with the claim that Sessions only met the Russian ambassador wearing his Senator hat: If that innocent I-was-only-Senatoring excuse was the case, it seems like the sort of thing he could have mentioned when he was asked about contacts with Russia during his confirmation hearings. “Oh, well I met with the Russian ambassador as part of my duties as a member of the Armed Services Committee, but heavens, I made it clear I wasn’t speaking on behalf of the campaign.” Instead, his answers were straight, unqualified denials. Former U.S. ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul told the Washington Post he wasn’t all that surprised Kislyak would have wanted to meet with Sessions, but

“The weird part is to conceal it,” he said. “That was at the height of all the discussions of what Russia was doing during the election.”

You might even go so far as to call Session’s categorical denial during his hearings a fib. Or even a lie. And by golly, in the past, Jeff Sessions has been very, very tough on fibs under oath. When Bill Clinton was accused of lying under oath, Sessions wasn’t especially forgiving of nuance, like the difference between having sex and getting a hummer:

“In America, the Supreme Court and the American people believe no one is above the law,” he said. Sessions also voted “guilty” on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice during Clinton’s impeachment trial.

Yes, you may proceed with the schadenfreude now.
